Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blog #7

Even though this video was an hour long I was a wonderful one to watch. One of the main points he made in the video was that in some way everything we do is by teamwork. We never do it alone. Which is a very comforting thing to know. Another is that we should be able to let our creative juices flow. Without this our learning environment would be a boring place. A third was that things are not always easy but we have to do them anyway. Last but not least is accomplish everything you have set for yourself.
As I look at my everyday life it is not complete without the help of others. Sometimes that might be my best friends, my family, or even my teachers. We all share a bond to want to make it in life. Since I have moved away from home I have found your friends help you out more than you know. I know someday if it were not for my best friend slash roommate Andrew I would not be able to get a lot done. If it is just as simple as cooking or taking out the trash he does it without me asking. He even lets me talk out my frustrations which helps a lot! Do not be fooled by the fact that we get along because we do not sometimes. Just like any group it is going to have its flaws and we have to work through them to be better at what we do. This is with School, work ,relationships, or anything we cross in our day to day lives. Sometimes they push us to our limit to make us better. Just like he said his professor did when he was a Sophomore. We all need that reality check every once in awhile, or I know I do.
He talks about letting our creative juices flow. That is what he does with is kids. He lets his students be creative with limits, but when they do it they make some of the coolest stuff. The video he show of one of the Virtual worlds was really cool. He also though makes them be prepared for the worst. They have to have a backup plan if their system was to fail which them they have to be creative and use their heads to fish out the world. This keeps them thinking constantly but in a fun way. He says " learning with fun the hard way". Kind like this class in a way it is learning and some of it is hard but it is in a fun way.
Last he talks about following your dreams. This is something teachers today are not real supportive of. They tell you to do what you are going to make the most money and be successful with. I have always told my to kids that I nanny Ashely and Dylan that they can be whatever they want to be. Its not going to be easy but if they want it bad enough they will work for it and in the end they will be happy knowing they worked their hardest to get it. He followed his dreams and did whatever it took to make them happen. There were some wonderful stories behind them. I have given up my dream of being a music teacher but at the same time I still get to do part of my dream and that is to teach. I have had some wonderful educators in my life and I want to be one of those for some child out there.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amelia, I thought the video was interesting to watch despite how long it was as well. It is very comforting to know that we do not have to do anything alone. I am a big depender on friends and family as well and life just would seem impossible without either one of them because of how much help they provide for me. and I am a lso a firm believer that we all do need a reality check every once in a while. I love how he talks about following your dreams. I do think teachers should be better about stressing this to students. There is no dream that is impossible to reach with the right amount of effort put forth.
