Sunday, December 5, 2010


I added a lot of new things to my PLN. Most of them were news and teaching aids. I found a great game site with fun games for students called Fun brains. As I stated most of my PLN is news based so when I give my kids current events I can give them several tool s to help. I also found one called Teacher tube. It has fun and interesting tools for teachers. I also added AVL to help with those difficult book issues we have sometimes. That is my PLN I built it to help me in my goal of being a teacher.

C4K Summary #'s 8-11


I have enjoyed reading all the blogs from this semester. These kids work really hard a deserve a big pat on the back for doing something I am doing at 22! They work so hard to get them right and love to hear our positive comments back. I had a problem with the website so the creator sent me to another child's I got to read history class blog. This was very interesting in the fact these kids knew so much more and I was pleased to see such work. My next child was a girl Named Rachel. I commented on her trip to Wilpena Pound in the Flinders Ranges, SA. She talked about her trip and how they were staying till Mon and left on Fri so she got to miss school. I told her I loved to travel with my family and that I hoped she had a good time on her trip. My Next student was little girl named Ella. She got to take over her class and be teacher for the day and see just what it was like to be her teacher for the day. I told her I think that is an experience that every child needs and she did a really cool project to. My last child I did is what I wrote my blog #14 about! She is such bright student and will go fare just like all of my other kids. This is one thing I have enjoyed the most is reading their blogs and seeing what other kids in the nation and around the world do.


I had the pleasure of commenting on David Hopkin's Blog. He posted an interesting one on blogging which I jumped at the chance to comment on. He asked what the blogging world would be like or what type of blogger we would be in the future. I responded with I did not know weather I would be one of those crazy bloggers that blogged everything or just the important stuff my kids needed to know. I also pointed out I had never thought about blogging until I had to do it for this class and it made me think this would be such a wonderful way for my kids to keep up with what they missed. I also commented on a post he had made about Facebook and do we honestly pay attention as students to what we put up or how private our settings are. I know I have settings set super private where only my friends can see my information and stuff. This is not because I'm trying to hide anything but it is because I have had someone use this information for other reasons than they should be used. This made me think back to what Dr. Strage said to us our very first day of class " You will be Googled! What trail do you want to leave behind?" I want my trail to be spotless. I want my future employers to see what e dedicated worker I am and how hard I try to keep things in order. This post made me stop and think.

Post #14

I commented on Yasmine's Blog. The post I commented on was about her being allergic to corn products. She has noticed the unhealthy alternatives that are out on the market. Not only that it is so expensive for the other healthy alternatives that our out there. She had a wonderful Idea to write a letter to the first lady and ask for help. Not only that she wanted to know what other ways she could help bring awareness to this topic. I told her she could do a video with her class to bring awareness to this subject and put it on youtube and her blog. I also told her she could get her whole class to write letters to the first lady about the situation. This a wonderful young lady with bright ideas and she will go very fare in the future.

Sunday, November 21, 2010